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Home / NEWS / ABB creates digital twin of hydrogen production plant

ABB creates digital twin of hydrogen production plant

Oct. 20 ,2023

Achieving net zero emissions targets requires scaling up the share of renewable energy and applying a range of technologies and solutions. 

Hydrogen is clean and efficient and has the potential to become a widely used fuel. In addition, it is an energy carrier that can be stored, tra

nsported, and converted into other compounds or synthetic fuels in the medium to long term. Hydrogen is the carrier of different derivatives. 

However, the large-scale development of hydrogen energy still faces many challenges. The following is a brief introduction to ABB's use of its

 own technology to promote the development of hydrogen energy:

Create real factory process environments with digital twins

Hydrogen is highly flammable even at low concentrations, and due to the characteristics of hydrogen, it burns in the air with a light blue flame

 that is almost invisible to the naked eye in a natural environment. Before hydrogen can be used as a fuel or energy carrier, the safety of its pro

duction and transportation needs to be ensured.

ABB creates digital twins of hydrogen production plants that cover the entire project lifecycle, including planning, execution and operations pha

ses, helping to optimize performance, reduce risk and improve safety. ABB Process Power Simulator (PPSim) integrates with process models and

 simulated control systems to create a realistic dynamic behavior of factory processes, which helps manufacturers optimize various configurations

 during the planning stage. Importantly, it creates a realistic environment where operators can observe the behavior of the equipment under real 

process and power conditions and scenarios. This gives plant operators valuable “hands-on experience,” similar to how pilots receive training on

 a flight simulator. They can see how the system responds to different power input scenarios in normal operation and learn on the simulator how to

 respond to emergencies, such as leaks or fires, and the system will also generate additional predictions of potential outcomes. Especially in emerging

 industries, this is an ideal way for operators to gain confidence and experience safely.


Accurately size hydrogen plants to reduce costs

Producing green hydrogen can cost four to five times more than producing gray hydrogen. Although it is a zero-carbon emission fuel, if the cost of

 green hydrogen is so high, it becomes significantly less competitive in the value chain. Leverage technology to reduce the life cycle costs of hydrogen

 by optimizing the scale of production plants while maximizing the use of renewable energy.

If the life cycle cost of hydrogen is broken down, about 14% of the cost comes from the capital expenditure cost of the construction project, and about

 69% comes from the cost of electricity. ABB has developed the HPP (Hydrogen Production Plant) Scaling Analysis Tool, a web-based software that com

prehensively optimizes the sizing of hydrogen production plants by considering the best operating model during the planning phase. To reduce the life

 cycle costs of hydrogen, it is critical to accurately size hydrogen production plants and include energy management systems as part of the process design.

 Our tool can run different scenarios including storage, electrolyser type and power input type. It is user-friendly and provides a graphical overview that 

allows customers to build, operate and compare different scenarios in a digital twin of the proposed factory.

While green hydrogen is the ultimate goal, we know that during the energy transition, hydrogen production will increase the share of renewable energy

 and reduce energy from the grid. By optimizing their plants during the planning stage, producers will be able to right-size their plants for low-carbon 

hydrogen production and become more competitive in the hydrogen value chain.

Balancing supply and demand to improve efficiency

Electrolyser efficiency is improving rapidly, but for most producers there is still a mix of multiple energy inputs. To be able to move to green hydrogen, 

producers must have the ability to manage and optimize energy sources from multiple renewable sources. ABB AbilityTM Energy Management OPTIMAX

 is an energy management software specifically designed to support green hydrogen production, launching in 2022. The software increases the efficiency

 of energy-intensive electrolysers and ensures smooth integration of inputs from multiple power sources such as wind, solar and grid. It helps reduce costs

 by monitoring hydrogen producers' energy consumption throughout their operations in real time. Reducing the cost of green hydrogen is critical. Green 

Hydrogen Catapult, a global industry advocacy group, estimates that we will need to increase fuel production 50 times by 2050, and costs must be reduced 

by 50%.

ABB's OPTIMAX not only handles the production side, but also analyzes the raw material and demand side. In addition to real-time demand, it enables intraday

 forecasting, allowing operators to plan their production and consumption according to ABB OPTIMAX. According to ABB's estimates, the OPTIMAX energy 

management system can help reduce the life-cycle cost of factory operating expenses by up to 20% and enable more renewable energy input.

Support for electrolyzers

ABB does not manufacture electrolysers, but we have deep expertise in the balance of plant, the other equipment necessary to ensure safe, reliable and efficient

 operation of hydrogen production.

Early design and sizing are key for low-carbon or green hydrogen projects. Integrated solutions span the entire value chain from capital investment (CAPEX) to

 operational investment (OPEX), starting with sizing in the planning phase. As an integrated solutions provider, ABB provides automation and control systems, 

electrical architecture, rectifiers, motors and drives, intelligent switchgear, power management systems, etc. In the field of automation, it involves safety systems,

 electrical control systems, intelligent field instruments and analytical instruments, communication systems, etc.

The successful operation of any hydrogen plant depends on efficient energy and process management, and this is where the value of ABB OPTIMAX and other 

ABB Ability solutions lies. ABB Ability solutions support remote operation and digitization, production and energy optimization, and service and asset management, 

which can help hydrogen production improve operational safety, efficiency and reduce costs.